St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam, a 20 year old student of the Sorbonne University in Paris. In answer to a challenge for Christians to practice what they preach, Frederic and a group of fellow students started to seek out and visit the poor of Paris in their homes, taking them bread and clothes. This small group took as their Patron the great French priest who alerted the world to social problems, St. Vincent de Paul. Similar groups eventually spread throughout the Christian world with the object of visiting those in need for the love of God.

Today the Society is a worldwide lay organization of Catholic men and women, numbering 880,000. The members meet in parish and district groups in order to personally help those in need. The aim of the Society is to bring social justice and the friendship of true charity to all those in need.

Membership involves meeting twice a month at 6:30 p.m. at the home of one of the St. Vincent de Paul members. Please check with the volunteer in the gift shop for additional information. At the meeting the helping contacts of each member are reported and discussed, necessary action is taken, and plans for any follow-up are agreed upon. Visits to the needy are usually done in the company of another member. Members contribute whatever they feel they can afford to share in financing the group. Prayers are said before and after the meeting to remind members that the motive for their work is the love of God. No special qualifications are required to join the Society.

Collections for the support of the St. Vincent de Paul Society are held after all masses on the second weekend of each month.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink…In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.”

Matthew 25:35-40

Prayer Blankets

God has used this beautiful ministry to touch the lives of countless people who have received the blankets while enduring a difficult time in their life.

These Prayer Blankets have brought comfort to the suffering and peace to the fearful. The recipients know that they are not alone, that there are those who care about them and are praying for them.

This beautiful act of service for the Lord truly transforms these simple threads into an act of love as we ask the Lord’s blessing on the recipients.

Prayer blankets are made by volunteers in our Parish and distributed by the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

If you wish to participate in making this spiritual gift, you may join us most third Saturdays of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the school library. Please check the bulletin for updated dates and times. Please RSVP before that Saturday so we will have enough materials for the blankets. You may RSVP by contacting us at 904-388-8698 or

If you would like to request a prayer blanket for a loved one please download this form